Thursday, January 1, 2009

Happy New Year Folks

Well it's 2009, looking back at 2008 was a mix of good and bad.

Many, many sites closed last year, most were ptc sites that paid for a few months then the admin realised he/she was well out of thier depth and closed the site down. There were the typical scam sites amongst them which put off alot of people clicking ads.

For the good sites there was TaketheGlobe, not only my first choice of a PTC Site but one which paid me over $700. 2009 looks bright for that PTC as well when it officially returns on Friday 02nd 2009

NeoBux, one of the first Instant Paying PTCs showed it's true colours by outlasting pretender Instant Paying PTCs, proving that the system does work when controlled properly.

Despite the bad sites outweighing the good get paid to click sites, my hope is that you have not given up and will continue to click ads. And that you continue to promote your links so you can get others to help you earn money.

I look forward to the upcoming year with great anticipation, no doubt there will be new sites appearing, let's hope that ptc admins have learnt from the mistakes of the past. So let's all have a great year earning some extra cash.