2008.03.16 - Daily Potential Earnings
If you clicked Ads today
Yearly Earnings : $2.5270 x 365 = $922.3550Earnings Site Name CashOut Min. Per Click Ref Click $0.2300 WolfBux.In $3.0000 $0.0100 50% $0.2300 4Bux.Info $10.0000 $0.0100 100% $0.2100 DailyClicks.Biz $10.0000 $0.0100 50% $0.2000 BuxPlus.Org $0.0000 $0.0100 100% $0.1900 IsabelMarco.Com $10.0000 $0.0100 60% $0.1600 Bux3.com $10.0000 $0.0100 100% $0.1500 PornoBux.Net $10.0000 $0.0100 100% $0.1200 Bux.To $10.0000 $0.0100 100% $0.1125 Cash-Linkz.com $10.0000 $0.0125 100% $0.1000 SebasBux.com $10.0000 $0.0100 100% $0.0800 MasterBux.com $10.0000 $0.0100 50% $0.0800 PayFlick.Com $10.0000 $0.0100 100% $0.0800 Paid.vg $10.0000 $0.0100 100% $0.0700 DailyClicksPro.Com $10.0000 $0.0100 10% $0.0500 buxa.co.uk $10.0000 $0.0100 100% $0.0500 10Bux.Net $10.0000 $0.0100 100% $0.0495 TheClickers.Net $10.0000 up to $0.01 10% $0.0490 PaidClicks.ws $5.0000 up to $0.01 100% $0.0450 AdverCash.Net $12.5000 up to $0.01 100% $0.0430 TitanClicks.com $10.0000 up to $0.01 100% $0.0420 TurboBux.com $10.0000 up to $0.01 100% $0.0400 SimpleStash.com $10.0000 up to $0.01 100% $0.0350 AdverBux.com $10.0000 up to $0.01 100% $0.0300 ClickPay.ca $10.0000 $0.0050 100% $0.0200 DaddyBux.com $10.0000 $0.0100 100% $0.0200 ToBux.com $10.0000 $0.0100 100% $0.0170 ClickSia.Com $2.0000 up to $0.01 10% $0.0140 Fast.Sc $15.0000 up to $0.01 75% $0.0100 WordLinx.com $10.0000 $0.0100 5% $0.0000 YayClick.Com $10.0000 $0.0500 100% $0.0000 VelocityClicks.Com $10.0000 up to $0.01 100% $0.0000 Cents2Bux.com $15.0000 up to $0.01 100%
Cents2Bux and YayClick had no Ads to click today, VelocityClicks is still screwed up because of a hacker.
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