Tuesday, March 25, 2008

2008.03.25 - News from PTC Sites

4Bux.Info - Sweeetttttt Free Advertising
I wrote a Review Earlier today about 4Bux.Info and it seems that almondj the Admin of 4Bux.Info enjoyed it so much that he gave me some Free Advertising, Excelent Stuff

MasterBux.Com - I'm back and clicking
I hope the Admin had a good break because when he returned he got straight on to his computer and fixed up the "Autoclicker Detection". Now I'm back clicking on my favourite site and loving every minute of it. It's great to see more earnings in my account.

Buxmania Sites raise CashOut for a short Period
EuroClickers.Info and CamyCosty.Cn have raised thier CashOuts while the Admin deals with pending payouts. These will be lowered at a later date so don't fret too much.

ArmyBux.Com up for Sale?
I've only recently joined this site and now it's up for sale, I'd advise you not to purchase anything from the site in the meantime

News in Brief
MasterBux.Com and PornoBux.Net I've won another $0.03 on the Lottery Ads
WolfBux.In - Has been removed from my clicking list, the site has not re-appeared
PayFlick.Com I have removed Because of it's Earning System which I can't figure out.
PlusBux.Com has removed Ads until they move to thier new Server.
BuxPlus.Org site has an error on it's surf pages so we can't view Ads.
Cents2Bux.Com still has no Ads.
YayClick.Com still has no Ads


neged said...

Yeah, I was bored, so I through you in, enjoy!!

Jimeous said...

Saaahwweeeeeettttttt, thanks a bunch for the support :)