Wednesday, April 9, 2008

2008.04.09 - News from PTC Sites

Cash-Linkz.Com - Back Online
Yay, this site is back online, thats a relief :)

PornoBux.Net and MasterBux.Com - Sites Down
Sites are down, this will probably be temporary, so no ads clicked today

IncomeBux.WebSpaceMania.Com changes to IncomeBux.Net
This one took me as a surprise because there was no contact from the Admin, but it seems that they are back with a new link

World-Bux.Com Ads weren't showing
There's something wrong with the script because no ads were showing but the site is still running

FastestBux.Com - Requested PayOut
Wow, another site I've reached Payout, this time it's for $10.34


AMAN said...

Excellent site buddy
Would you like to share links with my blog. News and Stats
Please tell me when you add my link I'll do same for you.

Jimeous said...

Sounds like a good idea to me :), Check the left Side Bar for your link :)