IsabelMarco, the pains of being a standard member
I've been a member of IsabelMarco since almost the beginning of the site. For the early part the site was really good, quick paying with alot of ads. But I was very naive back then, I didn't realise that their advertising income wouldn't be able to pay thier members.
I didn't realise that they were getting no income from half the ads I was clicking on because they had paid links for thier own Referral Sites. There was alot of warnings from people regarding IsabelMarco and that they weren't sustainable. Some Forums' the admin at IsabelMarco defended themselves, saying they would always pay members and they didn't rely on advertising for income.
Well 6 months and more has past and IsabelMarco have been caught with thier pants down. Not only did 90% of the sites they had as paid to click ad links closed down, but they have admitted that they couldn't pay members because they had no money.
If they screw with Standard Members
I think it was a week after I requested a payment at IsabelMarco when they changed thier policy to only pay Upgraded Members. Usually I don't monitor when I a getting a payment until a month later, and that's when I found out about the change. Man that pissed me off because there is no way I am going to upgrade on that site.
They said something on the board along the lines that 60% of Standard Members are cheaters, cheaters that they sold as Referrals, and cheaters they kept to attract advertisers. When the truth and evidence is, that IsabelMarco screwed Standard Members and that makes them 100% Cheaters.
Thanks for Paying but we're taking them
For all purposes, Referrals and Upgrades are Goods you purchase, Upgrading Membership is almost always temporary, but purchasing Referrals is permanent. Someone forgot to tell the folks at IM [IsabelMarco] that, and now they have removed all Referrals that were purchased from the site. Really stinks, thank goodness I didn't buy any from the site.
IsabelMarco, the definition of a Ponzi Site
If you ever wondered what a Ponzi Site is, IsabelMarco is a good example. They are not paying Standard Members, yet they are using them as BOTS to finance thier Referral Rentals. This is PONZI behaviour, a site where you need to upgrade to invest, a site where you are expected to put money in to recieve money back.
Being a standard member at IM isn't worth it, at $9 for a month's Upgrade with NO guarantee of getting paid before it expires means the site isn't worth looking at. Who are they kidding at the site, allowing Standard Members to buy thier IMShares but never paying them.
Time to move on
The sooner the site dies the better but I hope every member that has put in some money in the site gets it back. The site is broke, by thier own doing and at thier current advertising rates will be the worst investment for any person. It is better to cut your ties to the site sonner rather than later.
I've never done an IsabelMarco Review, so this will be as close as it gets, I'm still very unhappy at the site.
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